Year 5 had a brilliant day at Winchester science centre. In the morning we explored the space discovery area and were able to try out some different experiments that linked to light, sound and gases. We found out even more about space and were able to look at the planets’ surfaces in more detail. Later on, we had the opportunity to explore the other areas of the centre and were able to do more experiments involving sound but also learning about British Sign Language and important scientists of our generation. We also got to visit the planetarium. This was a fantastic experience. We were able to share the knowledge that we already had with our guide and also learn some new amazing facts about the planets in our solar system. One of the best bits of our day was making our own rockets. Our intention was to make them travel the furthest distance along a piece of string. We built them, tested them and them adapted our designs to improve them before testing them again.
Mini Bikers
At Wellington Lions we were very lucky to have the award winning Minibikers in for children in Reception and year 1. Throughout