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Journey of discovery

In year 6, we often have questions about the world around us and stories we hear in the news.  As a class family we come together in circle times to talk and share our questions and worries.
We had many questions about what is happening in Ukraine and how it is affecting us and people around the world.  One worry was how close is Ukraine to the UK, you can see the children leading on their journey of discovery.

More to explore

Mini Bikers

At Wellington Lions we were very lucky to have the award winning Minibikers in for children in Reception and year 1. Throughout

Mini Bikers

At Wellington Lions we were very lucky to have the award winning Minibikers in for children in Reception and year 1. Throughout

World Book Day

Our theme for #WorldBookDay this year was ‘cosy’ replicating the hug a book gives us when we are reading  We had a brilliant day